I'm sick and tired of blending in and never telling anyone how you set this sinner free You found me living without hope and then you drew me to yourself And you mercy made me clean I will tell your story for the world to hear of your great love and how it rescued me You came into the world you made and then died upon a tree to bring us back to you You're like fire in my bones and like fire in my soul and I can't hold you in anymore What if nobody told me? Where would I be without you now?
Song Description: "This is a song simply about telling the story of Jesus to others around us. Telling how He rescued you from your sin and delivered you. God has chosen to use people to tell the story of His son, and relate to each other on a person to person basis. Sometimes He reveals Himself in miraculous ways (e.g. the Old Testament miracles and modern day miracles) but by in large, He has chosen to use us as individuals to carry a verbal message about the truths in the bible, and the salvation found in Jesus Christ alone." - Justin Anderson (Mainstay)