I Know You're There Lyrics
I think I'm over-thinking this whole thing about believing in something I cannot see
'Cause when I think about it I think there's no doubt about it
I do it every single day
It's just like the air
No one knows where it comes or where it goes
But when I breathe in I believe again and again
So, if the whole wide world says
You're not there
Well, I still know
You're there
And even if they call me crazy, I don't care
I still know You're there
And if they say there's no such thing as heaven or a God who waits for me
I just point to the air
And I know You're there
I had a science teacher
Who tried to make me a believer
That evolution made the earth
But I can't give a big bang credit for this whole thing
Life is too beautiful for that to be true
It's just like a child
A new born baby, there are no two the same tiny toes, finger prints
And with that thought I rest my case
When a nation cries
When a loved one dies
When we wonder why
I still know you're there
When the nights are long
In a world gone wrong
There's still a feeling so strong
That tells me you're there
You're so undeniable
You're so unconfinable
And your love is so reliable
And it tells me you're there
By Matthew West / (c) 2005 Word Music, LLC/Westies Music Publishing, admin. by Word Music, LLC (ASCAP). All rights reserved. Used by permission. International copyright secured.
"I saw one of those Darwin stickers, (you know, the one of the fish with legs) on the bumper of an old beat-up Jeep Cherokee, and it inspired me. So many people in this world refuse to believe in a God they can't see. I take one look around this world, take one walk through the maternity ward at the hospital, and there's not a doubt in my mind that God is real. I spent last fall on tour with Avalon, Mark Schultz, and the most beautiful baby you ever did see (not mine...it was a little 'Avalonian.'), and after seeing the beauty of creation in its beginning stages, I was convinced that life is so much more than a high-tech accident! Then I look at the state of our world. Airplanes crash into the World Trade Center, taking away countless lives and threatening our freedom. Suddenly, a society filled with skeptics and non-believers calls out to God, the very God that nobody wants to believe in. Well, if God isn't real, then how come in the face of tragedy, so many voices call out to Him? Part of making history in your life means standing up for what you believe in, even if you know it won't make you popular. So, when the world tells you you're crazy, don't be afraid. Just point to the air..." - Matthew West