Drago or The Dragons Lyrics
This mathematic sunset starts a neck to sink her teeth into again
A late aesthetic exit is impossible but not from rafter sins
I'm just alive, she's just a fake
Now poison's running through the seams
The numbers say it, flash up the screen
And from crescendo cuts the knee
Gravity will retrace every step
Gravity will retrace every step
One cholera outbreak and the blinds are pulled, the shades are drawn here
Once again but to drop Murexa* in lakes*
In too much so drop the glass to shatter then it blends
Gravity will retrace every step
Gravity will retrace every step
Song Description:
'The basic principle of what goes up must come down is examined in this song. If a paper trail is commonly used in tax audits and credit reports as well as criminal investigation, couldn't a factor of cause and effect be used in any form of investigation? If one could keep meticulous track of the attributes of a movement, decision, or reaction based on the theory that in some form or another it was created in a gravitational universe, it could be possible to know someone's cause before the effect even dreams of occurring. One may argue that is simply a phenomena called deja vu. But I don't believe deja vu is a phenomenon; it has a scientifically based foundation that cannot be denied truth by an examiner. The idea is simple. Both out eyes see at exact precision simultaneously. This is an obvious truth. But once in a while, one of our eyes will catch light a millisecond before the other. Of course our brains are faster than supercomputers, and that light registers in the brain as an occurrence, but a split second after that registers, the other eye catches the light and registers it. So when the second one comes, the brain realizes it has already registered the same exact thing before, of course there is no time interpretation that we can comprehend because it all happened within a second. But this could continue for at least 20 to 30 seconds in a pattern, one eye capturing light and the other one capturing it in a delay. And the only logical explanation that is comprehendible is that we are experiencing something that has already happened, that's why it feels like you can almost predict what is going to be the next layout as well as feeling a little dizzy from the offset of the equilibrium.' - Falling Up