Planetshakers Album: Reflector Track: Come Breathe
Come Breathe Lyrics I need You Holy Spirit Come touch me with Your oil of anointing I need You Holy Spirit Come touch me once again
I need You Holy Spirit Come touch me with Your oil of anointing I need You Holy Spirit Come touch me once again
And as I reach for You Unconscious of Your calling That with Your touch I need to reach the lost
Come breathe Come breathe Come breathe Your breath of life Come breathe Come breathe Come breathe Your breath of life
I need You Holy Spirit Come touch me with Your oil of anointing I need You Holy Spirit Come touch me once again
I need You Holy Spirit Come touch me with Your oil of anointing I need You Holy Spirit Come touch me once again
And as I reach for You Unconscious of Your calling That with Your touch I need to reach the lost
Come breathe Come breathe Come breathe Your breath of life Come breathe Come breathe Come breathe Your breath of life
And as I reach for You Unconscious of Your calling That with Your touch I need to reach the lost
Come breathe Come breathe Come breathe Your breath of life Come breathe Come breathe Come breathe Come breathe
Come breathe Come breathe Come breathe Come breathe
Come breathe Come breathe Come breathe Your breath of life Come breathe Come breathe Come breathe Your breath of life
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