Wilshire Album: Already Home Track: Don't Wake Me Up
Don't Wake Me Up Lyrics Last night I drove for 3 days Nothing, nothing Could stand in my way I found you there where I'd hoped you'd be Waiting, waiting For me
I fell into u, Melted into u We held on and tried to ignore What's tearing us apart
Don't wake me up Say that it's over and I'll stay Under the covers just stay Here in my head In my bed Don't wake me up
Morning bursts like the 4th of July I bury my face to bring back the night Drifting, drifting Count to ten In ur arms again
I'd sacrifice the sun for the moon If I could stay here beside you Fading, fading In my mind Don't let this be goodbye
Don't wake me up Say that it's over and I'll stay Under the cover just stay Here in my head In my bed Don't wake me up
Oh.. Don't say that it's over and I'll stay Under the covers just stay Here in my head In my bed Don't wake me up
Just stay here in my head In my bed Don't wake me up
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