The O.C. Supertones Album: Supertones Strike Back Track: Like No One Else
Like No One Else Lyrics This is a time for us to demonstrate our appreciation Amazing grace and sweet salvation I can't pay you back, my Lord, so I won't even try I will give you I and I You know when I'm standing up and when I'm falling down Amazing grace how sweet the sound You know if I'm hungry, tired, or feeling kinda low Why you care I just don't know
I cast all my life and all my cares and everything on you He cares for you like no one else
This is a time for us to celebrate our emancipation Voices ring across the nations There will never be another there has never been Helpless and you took us in Because of Jesus Christ we know salvation is secure I don't worry anymore Who can give you council, Lord? And who can search your mind? You're before me and behind
Every time I shed a tear it matters, it matters Every time I'm cold with fear it matters, it matters When I've got a broken heart it matters, it matters Every time I fall apart it matters, it matters When I think I'm all alone, on the road or when at home Every time I have to sneeze Every single breath I breethe When I'm in the dentist's chair it matters, it matters Anywhere and everywhere it matters, it matters
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