Sara Groves Album: Station Wagon: Songs for Parents Track: Beautiful Child
Beautiful Child Lyrics By Sara Groves
Beautiful child right from the moment you were born
You overtook my heart my world
My beautiful child
Tender and sweet both in your crying and your sleep
You radiate a sense of hope
You're beautiful
And I have seen the most amazing sights
In my travels on the earth
Misty seas and amber harbor lights
And other things of matchless worth
But next to you all of the beauty seems so plain
You would think I'd never seen a beautiful thing
And I have seen the most amazing sights
In my travels on the earth
Seven sacred pools on starry nights
And other things of matchless worth
But next to you all of the beauty seems so plain
You would think I'd never seen a beautiful thing
I have seen the most amazing sights
In my travels on the earth
Moonlight sleeping on the canyon heights
And other things of matchless worth
But next to you all of the beauty seems so plain
You would think I'd never seen a beautiful thing
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