Sonicflood Album: This Generation Track: You Are
You Are Lyrics Broken I run to You You are my healer Humbly I bow to You You are my Lord And I will give You glory For everything You are
You are the great I Am You are the Prince of Life You are the Spotless Lamb My Risen King The reason why I sing
I want to live for You You are worthy Boldly I'll speak Your truth And lay down my life And I will give You glory For everything You are
You are the Righteousness You are the Living Word You are so Glorious My Lord and King The reason why I sing
You are the Light, the Hope of Glory You are the Way, the Truth and Life You are the Never Ending Story The Gift of God, you are the Christ
You are my God my Lord And Saviour You are the First you are the Last I want to be with You forever I want to be with You my Lord
You are the Light, the Hope of Glory You are the Way, the Truth and Life You are the Never Ending Story The Gift of God, you are the Christ
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