Bebo Norman Album: Ten Thousand Days Track: Where the Angels Sleep
Where the Angels Sleep Lyrics I don't know why
I always run
Is it fear of the fall?
Or fear of the touch
And I don't know where
The angels sleep
I don't know how
To really love
I've never stood still
Long enough
I don't know where
The angels sleep
But I am alive
Standing strong
I'm no farther forward
Just farther along
Hold onto my pride
I'm digging deep
It's pulling me down
And I am no closer
To thee
And I don't know where
The angels sleep
I don't know how
To see you
A friend from before
Is different somehow
I don't know where
The angels sleep
And I don't know when
I'll love again
But I don't trust myself
To just let you in
I don't know where
The angels sleep
But I am alive
Standing strong
I'm no farther forward
Just farther along
I've held onto my pride
Digging deep
It's pulling me down
I am no closer
To thee
And I don't know where
The angels sleep
Its taken ten thousand days
To get stuck in my ways
It offers no grace
I cannot stand this place
With love and my faith
I walk away slowly
I don't know where
The angels sleep
I don't know where
The angels sleep
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