Mitch McVicker Album: Chasing the Horizon Track: Where Did It Go?
Where Did It Go? Lyrics Words and music by Mitch McVicker and Michael Aukofer
The Lord will lift us up and never say goodbye
He'll keep the poor and weak and weary at His side
Because He's merciful
And we all want to be noticed
And we long to be seen
But at His side we have everything that we need
But still we look for more
And with the Kingdom at hand
We search for that
That never lasts,
And when we find it don't last
We're gonna ask
Where did it go
Where did it go,
I just don't know
I guess it don't take long for things to fade
Oh but faith, hope and love remain
Now 15 minutes come and go so very quick
But that is more than some of us will ever get
And still we chase after it
Faith, hope and love
Faith, hope and love remain
When we learn things fade
When we learn things fade away
Copyright © 1999 White Plastic Bag Music (SESAC) / Big Daddy Griffey Music (ASCAP)
All rights reserved. Lyrics reprinted by permission.
From Mitch:
This is a song I wrote in Indiana with Michael Aukofer when he was playing music with me. We were thinking about how we play for people, and they stand up, and they clap, and they make you feel real good, but it lasts for only a few minutes. Most of what we place stock in, in this life, doesn't last. It is the things of the kingdom of God that remain ... faith, hope, and love.
... Mitch
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