Caedmon's Call Album: My Calm // Your Storm Track: Forget What You Know
Forget What You Know Lyrics My friend why do you whip yourself
With the leather of your life
Why do your memories build like
Poison in your mind
You're re-running the mistakes (of your mind)
In the theater of your mind
Hoping that there'll be
A happily ever after this time
Let go
Let go
Let go
And forget what you know
You fear you've walked too far
In the hemlock forest and you are lost
But what error could you invent
With more power than the cross
Let go
Your sin is not an axe
Let go
That can fell the sacred tree
Let go
Your regret is not a net
Let go
That can dredge the forgetting sea
A wise man once told me
When I was dying just the same
The past can be like sidewalk chalk
If you will dance and pray for rain
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