Margaret Becker Album: Grace Track: Noonday Sun
Noonday Sun Lyrics Some lights
Are gonna shine forever
Some lights
Will flash then fade away
This light
I'm looking at in your eyes
Will always stay
Brighter and brighter
The light must become
Brighter and brighter
The colors are gonna run
'Till they rival
The noonday sun
The noonday sun
The noonday sun
The noonday sun
Don't you
Worry yourself about it
What I am
Telling you is true
That light
You think is getting weaker
Is growing very big inside of you
Brighter and brighter
The light must become
Brighter and brighter
The colors are gonna run
'Till they rival
The noonday sun
The noonday sun
The noonday sun
The noonday sun
Look at yourself like a noonday sun
These are the words of life
Won't you read them through my eyes
Look now, see yourself
Like a noonday sun
The noonday sun
The noonday sun
The noonday sun
The noonday sun
Look at yourself like a noonday sun
Brighter and brighter
The light will become
Until it rivals the noonday sun
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