Superchick Album: Rock What You Got Track: Cross The Line
Cross The Line Lyrics Follow the leader, stay in the lines What will people think of what you've done this time? Go with the crowd, surely somebody knows Why we're all wearing the emperor's clothes Play it safe, play by the rules Or don't play at all - what if you lose? That's not the secret, but I know what is: Everybody dies but not everyone lives
I'm gonna ride like I've got the cops on my tail I'm gonna live my life like I'm out on bail I'm gonna be out front, gonna blaze a trail I'm gonna cross that line
Everybody freeze - don't step over the line Don't stand up, they'll shoot down the first one who tries Try to change the world, they'll think you're out of your mind Revolutions start when someone crosses the line They want us to lie down, give into the lie Nothing has to change, and no one has to die That's not the secret, but I know what is: Everybody dies, but not everyone lives
Song Description: "In "Iron Man," Yinsen saves fellow prisoner Tony Stark's life twice. The first time Tony is brought in, wounded Yinsen operates on him to save him. The second time, Yinsen fights the guards, knowing it will cost him his life to buy Tony enough time to complete the iron man suit. As Yinsen lies dying, Tony says to him, "Thank you for saving my life," and Yinsen replies, "Don't waste it."
Moby wrote a letter to some of us who had worked on a Christian dance album and rightfully took us to task for being derivative and boring. He writes, "I want us to live and create boldly. If Christ had not lived boldly, he would be known for his ability with a hammer, not his willingness to be hammered to a cross."
If we truly believe that someone died on a cross to save us, do the lives we live reflect that gift?" - Max Hsu (Superchick)
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