We Will Worship Him Lyrics
Let us come together let us join as one
Let us turn our faces to the rising Son
Let us go up to Zion, to God's holy hill
A mighty army that will worship him
We will worship Him, we will worship Him
Jesus, He's our King, we will worship Him
In the time of war, we will rise and sing
To the glory of our God, we will worship Him
Jesu Inkosi, Jesu Inkosi, Jesu Inkosi, Jesu Inkosi
It is time for battle, it is time for war
As we sing hosanna as we praise the Lord
He will still the accuser, crush the enemy
As we celebrate God's victory
Brenton Brown
Song Description:
"We will worship him was written when I was about 21 and living in Cape Town, South Africa. The long struggle against Apartheid was almost over and there was a euphoric rejoicing at the miracle that was taking place. It seemed as if over night an enormous change in the collective consciousness of the country occurred. Suddenly cultures that had been so long divided were uniting in a way that hinted at the unity God brings when His kingdom reigns. The song rejoices in the community God brings under Jesus, no matter what our race or culture or age or preferences (1 Peter 2.9-10). When we give him spiritual authority by honoring Him he fights our battles for us, silencing the Accuser of His people (Matt 21.16/Ps 8.1-3) and bringing the peace of His Kingdom into our lives and our nations. The real bonus for me was getting to worship God together with Ladysmith Black Mambazo in the studio. Just 20 years earlier doing this would probably have resulted in the unwanted attention of the ruling apartheid regime. Now a group of Zulu musicians from Durban and a white boy from Cape Town could come together without fear and worship God together. It will remain one of the highlights of my worshiping life. Although the church hasn't always got it right in the past, especially in South Africa, for me this song expresses the hope we have in God for peace and unity when we lift our eyes to our Creator and worship Him." - Brenton Brown