Tim Hughes Album: Holding Nothing Back Track: Everything
Everything Lyrics God in my living There in my breathing God in my waking God in my sleeping
God in my resting There in my working God in my thinking God in my speaking
Be my everything Be my everything Be my everything Be my everything
God in my hoping There in my dreaming
God in my watching God in my waiting
God in my laughing There in my weeping God in my hurting God in my healing
Christ in me Christ in me Christ in me the hope of glory You are everything
Christ in me Christ in me Christ in me the hope of glory Be my everything
Song Description: Reading a Christian poetry book, I stumbled across an old Celtic prayer. The first verse really struck me, "God to enfold me, God to surround me, God in my speaking, God in my thinking." This longing for God to be at the centre of all that we are, and all that we do, really challenged me. So often we de-compartmentalise our faith, sometimes leaving our thoughts of God to Church, reading the bible, praying - this however is so narrow-minded. We need to learn to put God at the centre of our breathing, thinking, resting, working, waking, sleeping, hurting and healing. There's nothing however seemingly small that we should exclude God from. We need to keep Him as our everything. The verse and Chorus melody came quickly, followed by a bridge melody. Lyrically it felt like the 'Christ in me the hope of glory,' perfectly captured everything the song was trying to say. Musically though, it felt like the song needed a section to explode. One time, worshipping with the song in my room, I began to sing the Chorus an octave up. From a vocal point of view, to sing it out that high required commitment and passion. Personally I love the fact that you can't sing this final Chorus half-heartedly. It's all or nothing. Much like our faith needs to be. ------Tim Hughes
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