Hyper Static Union Album: Lifegiver Track: Overhead
Overhead Lyrics The things I want are tearing me apart I knew this from the start They're daggers to Your heart Though I desire to trade my will with Yours I'm shutting open doors and crawling on all fours I need Your touch, open my eyes Cut me down to size, I'm dying to rise
Chorus I promised I'd be less and let You be more In my attempt to do what I have read To die is gain, I want to serve the One I adore But it appears there's too much overhead
I'd rather stay than give my life away The life that I have made, a price I just can't pay So I ignore Your calling from the shore You offer so much more but the cost I can't afford Short-sighted eyes, my spirit's demise Listening to lies, dying to rise
I need Your touch, open my eyes Cut me down to size, I'm dying to rise
By Shawn Lewis and Mike Jackson
Song Description: "The writing process for "Overhead" began with many attempts to witness to a friend of ours who at this stage in his life is much like the rich young ruler found in Matthew 19:16-23. Basically, in his mind, it costs too much, the price is too high, there's too much overhead. We continue to pray for our friend, and we remind ourselves that we are called to daily die to our sinful desires and follow Christ with an eternal frame of mind." - Shawn Lewis (HyperStatic Union)
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