Phil Wickham Album: Phil Wickham Track: Fall Into You
Fall Into You Lyrics Oh who am I that Your merciful eyes should fall on me A sinner a fool, who doesn't deserve You And what am I that you'd offer Your life and die for me What can I do, I'm nothing without You, I'm nothing without You I'm nothing without You my love, my saving love
So I fall into You, I'm desperate and weak Crying out from my heart, take all of me
How can it be that the heart of my God would long for me For all that You do, Jesus I love You, I'll Always Love You Jesus I love You with all of my heart
Maker of sun and moon and stars I throw myself into Your arms, into Your arms
All songs written by Phil Wickham © 2006 Seems Like Music (BMI) / Wickham Music (BMI) All rights administered by Simpleville Music, Inc.
Song Description: "Once again, this is a song examining the relationship between the holy and the defiled. It questions why God would even want to have a relationship with that, something we'll probably never fully understand. I love that even after questioning our unworthiness, the Chorus says "and we fall back into Him." I love how that even my lack of understanding Him makes me desire to go deeper in my relationship with God." - Phil Wickham
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