WOW Worship Album: WOW Hits 2004 - Disc 1 Track: Spoken For - Mercy Me
Spoken For - Mercy Me Lyrics Take this world from me I don't need it anymore. I am finally free My heart is spoken for.
Oh and I praise you Oh and I worship you...
CHORUS: Covered by your love divine Child of the risen Lord. To hear you say "This one's mine" My heart is spoken for.
Now I have a peace I've never known before. I find myself complete My heart is spoken for.
Oh and I praise you Oh and I worship you...
CHORUS: Covered by your love divine Child of the risen Lord To hear you say "This one's mine" My heart is spoken for.
By the power of the cross You've taken what was lost And made it fully yours. And I have been redeemed By you that spoke to me Now I am spoken for
Covered by your love divine Shout out there is a Lord To hear you say "this one's mine" My heart is spoken for 2X
Take this world from me Don't need it anymore...
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