This Train Album: You're Soaking In It Track: The Silence
The Silence Lyrics Words: Mark, music: Jordan, Mark, Rod Glaze
Jordan had most of the music written, and I just happened to have some lyrics that fit. Great when things fall together like that.. I had a falling out with a close friend a together like that.. I had a falling out with a close friend a few years ago. In our case there was no yelling, harsh words, mean letters, etc. The way my friend chose to handle it was to completely shut me out. From that day on I no longer existed in their life. It stands as the cruelest thing anyone has ever done to me.
Why can't we just work things out, what are you so afraid of? Sit and reason or stand and shout, show me what you're made of How long will it be 'til you return my call? if the bridges have all burned down, scream across the chasm But if you don't want me around, you can make it happen But I don't believe were better off that way You ain't said a word, so I'll do all the talking
Somebody tell me why we're fighting, I forget myself sometimes Silence is the weapon, hurts me more, than any other in this war And what could be so conclusive, to make love so elusive? Silence is the weapon, hurts me more, than any other in this war
Am I talking to a wall, should I try graffiti? Is this war
Am I talking to a wall, should I try graffiti? Is there any use at all, in drawing up a treaty? 'cause don't feel so optimistic these days We don't have to kiss, I just want to make up
Got no peace of mind, got no axe to grind
Somebody tell me, how the hand of kindness turned into a fist Has it come down to this, will you ever want to talk about it?
What's with all the fuss, what's become of us?
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