Peculiar People Band Album: Not Ashamed Track: True Worship Song
True Worship Song Lyrics Let this be a true worship song Let my heart respond to your love I'm standing 'cause of all you have done And who you are
You are the ancient of days And you, you deserve all my praise To you I surrender my ways To you
Let it be in Spirit and truth That I take my place at your feet Let it be a sweet sacrifice My worship to you
You are the ancient of days And you, you deserve all my praise To you I surrender my ways To you
You are the ancient of days And you, you deserve all my praise To you I surrender my ways To you
Let this be a true worship song Let my heart respond to your love I'm standing 'cause of all you have done And who you are
You are the ancient of days And you, you deserve all my praise To you I surrender my ways To you
You are the ancient of days And you, you deserve all my praise To you I surrender my ways To you
Let this be a true worship song
©2003 Maranatha! Music. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. Used by Permission. CCLI # 4190781
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