Glass Harp Album: Stark Raving Jams - Disc 3 Track: What's In Your Heart
What's In Your Heart Lyrics Words Daniel Pecchio Music by Daniel Pecchio and Phil Keaggy
What's that you're saying You've read it all You know who's going And you know who will fall
It's all right there In black and white You know who's wrong You know that you're right
Turn to the Light away from the dark It's not the rules but what's in your heart
Walking in lock step Until you feel some pain Find something better Then you do it all again
Your brother's weaker Won't make the climb He needs your teacher You've got a ticket to ride
Turn to the Light away from the dark It's not the rules but what's in your heart
My God is good, my God is better My God is best Judged by what we know Not by what I know What's in your heart Will be the measure of the test
Turn to the Light away from the dark It's not the rules but what's in your heart
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