Echoing Green Album: The Winter of Our Discontent Track: Blind
Blind Lyrics Staring in the face of fallacy Stepping on the glass of serenity Sleeping in the arms of irony I find you
You taste the crime And slowly remind me Of times when the "light" was blinding to me
And the glow is getting bright But it's not light
Sipping from the cup of tragedy Entangled in the web of vanity While spitting in the face of sanity I find you
The peace in your mind Is deceptive by design The pride behind your eyes, is blinding
And the glow is getting white But it's not light It's the daylight breaking down in your mind As the darkness tells its solitary lie
It's not light.. It's not the light That's blinding
And the glow is getting white But it's not, light! It's the daylight breaking down in your mind As the darkness tells its solitary lie
It's not light.. It's not the light That's blinding
It's not the light That's blinding
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