Ageless Messengers Lyrics
(M�ire Brennan and Denis Woods)
Born to the wilderness
Missing first on the line
Will the fear disappear
O aingil coimhe�d me
O aingil as na fhlaithis
Solas geal n�l eagla orm
O aingil coimheadach
(Angels of heaven watch over me
I have no fear of you
My guardian angel)
Behind the inocent
The last, the least and the lost
Will be found in the storm
O aingil coimhe�d me
O aingil as na fhlaithis
Solas geal n�l eagla orm
O aingil coimheadach
Burning by nightfall
Measuring by the light
Ageless Messengers
O aingil coimhe�d me
O aingil as na fhlaithis
Solas geal n�l eagla orm
O aingil coimheadach