Salvador Album: Worship Live Track: My Desire
My Desire Lyrics My desire is to please You, To be more and more like You, Jesus. Each and every day I lift my hands and say I want to be more like you
My desire is to please you, To be more and more like You, Jesus. Each and every day I lift my hands and say I want to be more like you
I give You my life Take me in Your arms and hold me I give You my heart Because I know that You can Mend these broken pieces
I'm totally Totally commited to You
My desire is to please You, To be more and more like You, Jesus. Each and every day I lift my hands and say I want to be more like you
My desire is to please You, To be more and more like You, Jesus. Each and every day I lift my hands and say I want to be more like you
And I give You my life Take me in Your arms and hold me I give You my heart Because I know that You can Mend these broken pieces
I'm totally Totally commited to You
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