Tim Hughes Album: Here I Am to Worship Track: Day After Day
Day After Day Lyrics Day after day I'll search to find you Day after day I'll wait for you The deeper I go the more I love your name
Day after day I'll search to find you Day after day I'll wait for you The deeper I go the more I love your name
So keep my heart pure and my ways true As I follow you Keep my humble I'll stay mindful Of your mercies Lord
I'll cherish your word I'll seek your presence I'll chase after you with all I have For one day I'll know I'll see you face to face
Keep my heart pure and my ways true As I follow you Keep my humble I'll stay mindful Of your mercies Lord
Keep my heart pure and my ways true As I follow you Keep my humble I'll stay mindful Of your mercies Lord
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Keep my heart pure
Keep my heart pure and my ways true As I follow you Keep my humble I'll stay mindful Of your mercies Lord
Keep my heart pure and my ways true As I follow you Keep my humble I'll stay mindful Of your mercies Lord
Keep my heart pure and my ways true As I follow you Keep my humble I'll stay mindful Of your mercies Lord
Day after day I'll search to find you
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