Shaun Groves Album: Invitation to Eavesdrop Track: Abba Father
Abba Father Lyrics Words and music by Shaun Groves
Abba Father My defender You are holy I surrender For in my weakness You protect me When my heart strays You correct me
I cry Abba Father I love You, Daddy Abba Father I love You, I love You Abba Father I love You, Daddy Abba Father
I love You, I love You, Daddy
Story Behind The Song: I was leading worship for a conference on relating to God as Father when I wrote this song as the theme. Many of us have less than ideal fathers here on earth. Some are abusive, critical and even absent making it uncomfortable for them to call God "Father". But God is the perfect Father and we are called his children. On December 11, 2000 God gave me a daughter, Gabriella. I now understand more completely what God's being Abba (Daddy) really means. It's the closest relationship I've ever known, the greatest love I've ever experienced. It's that kind of bond that causes God to protect and correct us. And just like mine will, His heart melts when we simply say, "I love You, Daddy." (Romans 8:15; Galations 4:6.)
©2001 New Spring Publishing, Inc./ASCAP (all rights administered by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.)
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