Grammatrain Album: Flying Track: Found in You
Found in You Lyrics As I lay here Looking toward the sky Beauty fills my eyes
And the wonders Spread across the land Painted with your hand
Looking for where I belong Lead me to the place I found in you Looking back where I've come from I could never Leave this place in you
Still silence When you speak to me Like a summer breeze
And my soul Floating through the air Robbed of all my cares
Looking for where I belong Lead me to the place I found in you Looking back where I've come from I could never Leave this place in you
Forever You were and You are Forever You are morning star You are (Jesus) You are (Jesus) You have lifted me And set me free
Looking for where I belong Lead me to the place I found in you Looking back where I've come from I could never Leave this place in you
No never leave Never never leave
Looking for where I belong I have come to find This place in You
Forever You were and You are Forever You are morning star
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