Olivia the Band Album: Olivia The Band Track: Missing
Missing Lyrics Take a look around Tell me what you see Do your eyes sing of un-describable things You've never heard or even seen
If you take the time you'll see There's something missing
You're missing the fun Missing the run Missing it all You're missing me Missing the point Of you're every breath Missing it all You're missing me
From up here my view is clear I see the tears fall from your eyes caused by fear From the unknown from being alone
If you take the time you'll see There's something missing
You're missing the fun Missing the run Missing it all You're missing me Missing the point Of you're every breath Missing it all You're missing me
The growing grass, the blowing wind, the shooting stars you see If you look close enough you'll notice that they're all written by me
You're missing the fun Missing the run Missing it all You're missing me Missing the point Of you're every breath Missing it all You're missing me
You're missing the fun Missing the run Missing it all You're missing me Missing the point Of you're every breath Missing it all You're missing me
You're missing me.. Missing me
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