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Considering Lily
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Considering Lily Lyrics

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Considering Lily
Genre: Pop/Folk

Considering Lily Bibliography: (click on each album cover to view tracks and Considering Lily lyrics)

Considering Lily (1997)

The Pieces Fit (1999)

Considering Lily Biography

... two girls were being born two months apart at opposite ends of the world. One in New Zealand, and one in California. Both girls would show evidence of their love for music and performing at a young age. A love for God and a desire to serve Him with their lives also began to emerge.

As they approached their teen years, their lives continued to parallel as both felt the calling to serve God with their talents. But the similarities wouldn't stop there. Although on e would be born brunette and the other blonde, they would both grow to be the same height of 5'10. As well as their birthdays, their wedding anniversaries would be two months apart. Their children's birthday's - yes, two months apart. Even their mother's names are the same. Coincidence? Maybe, but the girls believe otherwise. Pearl explains, "We constantly discovered things that were connecting us and we took them as affirmations that God had brought us together." Hence their album title, "The Pieces Fit" is especially apropos.

The circumstance that created the opportunity to join these two "pieces" together arose in early 1998 when Serene Allison, Pearl's sister and musical partner left the group to be a full time mom. "Considering Lily had acquired a go od fan base and the record company and I felt strongly about continuing on with the group", Pearl says. "and I still felt God calling me to go on with this ministry."

The search for a new partner for Pearl would prove to be short. Eddie DeGarmo, Vice President of A&R at ForeFront had someone in mind from the onset of Serene's departure. Jeanette Herdman, a former ForeFront employee and wife of Audio Adrenaline member Bob Herdman had been talking to Eddie about a potential solo project around the time Serene left the group. "The idea of pairing Pearl and Jeanette together just came to me one day. I thought it was a longshot, but something compelled me to pursue it," states Eddie.

Following his gut instinct, Eddie introduced Jeanette and Pearl and the ball started rolling...rather quickly. Two days after their initial meeting, they began writing tunes for the new album.

The album in its completion would showcase Pearl's soothing harmonies and the strength of Jeanette's lead vocals. Rather than compete with each other, the two voices create a blend that work together to form a decidedly smooth and distinctive sound. "We wanted to maintain the essence of the last Considering Lily album but with a more mature feel. We also wanted to utilize components that would create more of a pop sound, like drum and keyboard programming," says Jeanette. Pearls adds "We felt like we had the right songs and we wanted to capture their passion yet make it an album that people would want to listen to over and over again."

The first song the pair teamed up to write was "What I Was Made For". "The first time Pearl and I met we both spoke of how we felt compelled to sing for the Lord, it's not a choice for us" Jeanette says. It's no wonder that this first song they created reflects an outpouring to God, acknowledging that the very reason we were created was to praise Him. "We wanted this song to exhort people to abandon their inhibitions when it comes to worshipping the Lord. We feel like this song can be a powerful tool during our concerts to get people joining with us in praise." states Pearl.

The lead off song on the album is "Great Expectations," a song the two penned with Michael Quinlan who also produced it. The song talks about the greatness that God has planned for us in our lives through Him. 'Great Expectations, there's so much waiting for me. Anticipation as you reveal my destiny...Great Expectations are what you have for me.' Many people are awaiting direction from God in their lives. Unsure of what they are to become. This song offers hope and affirmation in God's promises.

The title track on the album "The Pieces Fit" is a powerful ballad that describes how God fills the missing pieces in our lives. The theme of the song seems to expand into the album and the very essence of what Considering Lily has become. Jeanette and Pearl are two pieces that came together to continue this art and ministry.

While they share many of the same talents, there are obvious differences in personality on and off stage. While Pearl confesses to be introspective and focuses her attention on the artistry of the show, Jeanette is drawn towards a more interactive role with the audience. Both performers are deeply concerned with the spiritual message that is being relayed during the show. Jeanette explains, "I believe that our live show is one of the main tools for our ministry. If we can encourage people to worship God and challenge them to grow deeper in a relationship with Christ then we have succeeded. It's also important to us to be available after shows to talk to anyone who may be struggling in their walk or needs a few words of encouragement."

It's clear through the testimony of Considering Lily that God knows which people and circumstances to use in order to orchestrate His will. His timing and planning are perfect and with Jeanette and Pearl, the pieces truly fit.

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