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Andy Chrisman
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Andy Chrisman Lyrics

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Andy Chrisman
Genre: Pop
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Andy Chrisman Bibliography: (click on each album cover to view tracks and Andy Chrisman lyrics)

One (2004)

Andy Chrisman Biography

There's just something about that voice. Andy Chrisman is "one" of the voices that has helped the 3.5 million record selling group 4Him garner over 22 hit singles as well as multiple Dove Awards and industry accolades. Andy's debut solo effort (aptly entitled One) delivers worship-inspiring contemporary music featuring self-penned lyrics that reveal his love of Scripture, his heart for ministry, and his zeal for leading people into the throne room of God-all tied up in a shimmering package of that voice.

The album's statement of faith is summarized by the track entitled, "Believe." "The message of 'Believe' forms a concrete foundation for my first solo record and my ministry. Matthew 10:32 says, 'So I will acknowledge in front of my Father in heaven that person who acknowledges me in front of others,' and this is my way of acknowledging Him before men," Andy said.

"For me, this solo project is simply a convergence of all the paths that I'm currently traveling. It is giving me the chance to express myself in a very personal way as I continue to sing and tour with 4Him and as I also lead worship at my home church," Andy said. "The album is also giving me the chance to express myself as a songwriter."

Andy ventured into the craft of songwriting when he accepted the call to be the music and worship pastor at Celebrate Church in Orlando, Florida. "I began writing songs to use during worship services at church-I must've written 50 or 60 songs in the first year I was there. I had a new forum in which to explore my songwriting and I realized just how much music there was inside of me," Andy said.

Soon, the idea of creating a solo album resurfaced-a notion several members of 4Him had tossed around over the years-and the pieces quickly fell into place for Andy. Longtime friend and two-time Grammy nominee Bill Baumgart (11 Gold/4 Platinum records) jumped on board as executive producer with Greg Bieck (Hall & Oates/Savage Garden) and Jamie Kenney (Kim Hill) rounding out the stellar production team. The album also features collaborative songwriting efforts between Chrisman and Bieck, Kenney, Scott Krippayne, Matthew West, Jason Ingram, Chris Rodriguez, Tyler Hayes-Bieck, Cindy Morgan and Shawn Shankle.

Andy then partnered with businessman Scott Pierre to create a new record label. "Scott and I share the same vision for this company. Our label is designed to create a win-win relationship between the artists and the record label. Scott has years of business know-how and I've been in the music industry for 17 years and I recognize the importance of artists and management working together on the same plane." Chrisman's label, in association with SHELTERecords, is distributed through Word Distribution.

Life is good for Andy Chrisman. "Right now, I really have the best of both worlds. When I'm on the road with 4Him I have the opportunity to minister to large audiences. And when I return home, I find a lot of fulfillment in being able to minister to our church body on a more one-on-one basis. Our church members know that I am available and accessible to them anytime. That's really important to me. Likewise, with this solo project, I am able to share my heart with a broader audience and still keep it personal-like combining the touring aspect of 4Him with the intimacy of my local church," he said.

The youngest of three boys, Andy grew up in a Christian home in Waco, Texas. He's been singing since the age of five when his mother first put him on stage in front of ladies' groups and mission organizations singing Christian cover tunes.

Later, Andy pursued a degree in engineering from Oklahoma State University, but it was his extracurricular activities that ultimately molded his career path. He played trumpet in the OSU marching band, toured with a traveling singing group and spent his remaining free time at a nearby church where his brother was the minister of music. It was at this church that Andy learned the art of leading worship. By the age of nineteen he was responsible for the entire music program there.

Andy then joined the legendary singing group Truth from which 4Him was formed-a band that continues to be a mainstay in Christian music today.

By the late 1990's, Andy sensed that something was missing in his life. "There was a tug in my gut-a burden. Then, I sensed God speaking to my heart telling me that I would sing and lead people before the throne in worship for the rest of my career," said Andy. This confirming peace led to a reassessment of his life goals. "I realized that my strengths centered around making records, performing live concerts and leading worship, but I didn't know how those three things would fit together. So my wife and I began to pray about a new direction," said Andy.

Soon afterward, Andy's former pastor called and invited Andy to be the worship pastor at a church start-up in Celebration, Florida. "I realized that this offer was exactly the fulfillment of the elements in my life that I was seeking to combine," Andy said.

Today, Andy and Jackie continue to serve at Celebrate Church and live in the Disney-owned, picturesque planned community in Central Florida where the church is located. They have two children, Lucas (age 12) and Kayleigh (age 9).

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